This blog is about my life. And speaking of life, anything can happen. So, this blog is actually more about anything that happen while im living my life =)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Asasi dah nak habis. Besok hari last final exam. Dan aku belom start study ape2 lagi untuk econs. Just berharap  pada spots. Tapi dalam UiTM ni, selalu nya spot questions = final exam question. So tak cuak sangat =P 
Tetibe rajin plak update blog kan? hmm maybe sebab bosan or tension nak study, tambah plak fb skarang memang mcm sh*t. 

Banyak benda dah berlaku dalam sem ni. Terlalu banyak. Baik dan buruk sume ade. Setengah dari tu memang tak dapat dilupakan, one in a lifetime ;) Enjoyed it so much. Although there are things I wished didn't happen but I see those things as a learning experience. Anyway im sure that things happen for a reason. But i digress.

Tapi asasi blom habis lgi. Masih ade bsok. Last. Then a whole 6 months of holidays. Plan nak keje 2-3 bulan. Kumpul duit ntuk degree. Then settle kan lesen. In June or July, plan nak melancong. Pergi mane? Msti la Sarawak ( je ) =P nak berjumpe dgn ex-rumate and ex-clasmate =) Of cos x lupe mmber2 kat Aloq Staq, aku akan p melawat ampa =D Then insyallah pergi mne2 selagi mampu membawa diri. 

Mungkin kita tak berjmpa lgi. Samada tukar kos or pergi ke U lain. Tak kisah lah. Saye akan tetap merindui kalian =) its not gonna be the same without you guys. Thanks.

I wish you all will have a successful life. I know you will :)
Maafkn saye atas segale salah dan silap. I love you guys :DD


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About Me

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Full name is Zulhilmi bin Mohamad Salleh. Born on 17th September 1992. In St. Agnes Hospital, in Fresno, California. I love to do just about anything, just as long i have the mood for it. Such as blogging, dh lame nk start tpi x start2 gak, sbb malas. aha~ Im just human like the rest of you, so expect me to make mistakes. =)

Skodeng'd o.O
