This blog is about my life. And speaking of life, anything can happen. So, this blog is actually more about anything that happen while im living my life =)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Moonshine. You and Me Part II

It was 31st May was it? Suited up for the 1st day of class. Since we have to see our classes and timetables ourselves, it was quite a crowd in front of the office in C1(?) whew sumpah panas time tu zz. Well after rebut2 nak tengok klas msing2, last2 dapat gak tengok group sendiri, WHICH IS LWP01N. 

BEL 313 C2 B07(kan?). Pening2 gak pusing2 cari klas ni. Tpi dengan bantuan roomate :) dapat gak jmpak. 
Sblom msuk, perasaan cuak dan nervous bagai suma cmpur baur. mcm mana klasmate2, boleh ngam ka? ada yang cun x? suma bermain di minda. Ahhh lantak la.

Masuk2. Nampak sseorang yang duduk dpan pntu. Rmbut nya dah sdikit beruban, dia hnya mmandang saya dan tersenyum. Saya pn senyum balik :) then mata mula brputar2 tengok klas. "ni ke klas kat uitm ni? sedih nya" then mmndang penghuni nya, girls ade dlam 4-5 orang. tak ambil msa yg lama nk tgok2 muka, sbb malu kot. then lelaki plak, nmpak 2 orang. salah seorang dari tu saya knal (whew ade gak yg knal) iaitu Hafiz Mahmund :) dh knal dia time MDS lgi. So kitorang okay je. Seorang lagi, memandang kn saya da knal hafiz, so saya pn tnya kpda mamat satu lgi ni, "aku zul, hang sapa?" tuuuuudia sopan btol. nk wat mcm mna, org utara mmg cmtu. so xleh watpa dah. aha. tpi yg girls x berani nak tegur. so x knal sorang pn. sry tini. haha :P

Well anyway, after2 dh knal2 tu, sorang lgi datang. Pada mula saya ingat nama dia Vinsi vinsi somthing, tapi rupa nya nak senang pnggil dia Dave. awat x ckap awal2. senang ckit. xla belit2 lidah sebut. 

Makin lama makin ramai msuk. ade la jgak usha2 yang mane ade chemistry tu kan? tipu la kalu x usha langsung zzz. After sume da msuk, lelaki beruban tu mmperknal kn diri dia sbgai Mr. Daljit Singh, the best lecturer IMO. at first takot gak kalau dia ni garang ke ape ke. haha. by the way, it was just an intro to the subject BEL 313. so lpas abis klas, kitorang gerak ke destinasi strusnye ~

BEL 260 C2B04, haa kat sni baru rasa best klas BEL ni, sbb lecturer dia pon BEST. thx Madam Azlina :) well she started off introducing the subject and surprised us with the class intro! hmm i think about 4 people got to introduce themselves, and i was one of them ;) i thought it was gnna be a very fun group, no doubt. and i was right!! :) 

Masa first sem, maybe kitorang belom ngam lgi sbb malu2 kucing gitew kan? tpiiiiiiiiiiiii. bila msuk je 2nd sem, perghhhh sume dah tonjol kn belang msing2. and of course sweet memories cant come without a few bad ones. but Alhamdullilah, none of them were too serious. and we managed to laugh it over i guess. at least i did :) 

I cant possibly write down all the moments we had together, but im sure as hell can and will remember those memorable moments. and i can also post a few shots of us :) 

p/s-sry kalu x lengkap sume. but i'll still remmber all of u ;))

well thats all i guess. my companions in my journey in the Foundation. It have been a pleasure to meet you guys. Within these 2 sems, i learnt many new things. Love, friendship, crushes, ikat kain pelekat dan lain lain. ahhh wat an experience. :) I hope you guys will enjoy your holidays, and macam Madam Nazida ckap, kamu kamu dan kamu guna lah cuti pnjang ni dengan baek :) 

 I wont forget all of you asasians :) insyaallah, semoga kita suma bertemu lagi pada masa hadapan. 

p/s- jum tido ^_^



Monday, March 21, 2011

Moonshine. You and Me Part I

It was on 23rd May if not mistaken, the day it began. It was the Foundation of Law. I am not the same person as the person who entered the dorm room P1108 as I am the person walking out of it yesterday. I took a moment to stare at the empty room. And a weird feeling rose inside of me. I was sad. And with it a few drop of tears. These people who were the one that changed me. The person I am today. They made me realised that I'm still a freshie, a noob. Yes I admit that. I was not the same as before, a passive, quite, and insensitive to my surroundings. But I think I managed to overcome those things, even by a little. They taught me  about friendship and life. It was a memorable experience. And perhaps an unforgettable insight, that I will treasure until the end of time. Thanks guys. I'm glad I got you guys as my roomates and sub roomates. :) you are truly the ones in a million!

Rozmeys :D

comel. sgt comel.

barisan pemain Malaysia dan MU yang tak lepas fitness test.

pnjara pudu belah kiri timesquare. bkn belah kanan. ( Izzat, 2010)


sumpah kiut.

1st time clinton kuar bilik :D
Dinner Time!

night at broga.

morning broga!

selamat mndaki turun 'Tokwan'

cantik background! 

lai lai lai klapa panda maa! :P

awat muka suma letih ja. bru broga kot! :D

Rumah Raja..Eh silap, Istana Diraja :P

Artis dgn kereta sewa yang rosak.

smpat lgi posing. 

Maurid :)

Lompat annoying! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

Terbaekk :D

Line belakang dari kiri :
Khairi, Hidayat, Clinton, Joe, Haiqal, Mutmain, Anas, Farhan, Izzat, Jul, Amoi 1, Amoi 2.
Line depan dari kiri :
Veronica Soh :) Raja Hafiz and Kay Kay !

 I'm gonna miss you crazies :) but thats not all she wrote. :)

To be continued...

from :

Jul <3

About Me

My photo
Full name is Zulhilmi bin Mohamad Salleh. Born on 17th September 1992. In St. Agnes Hospital, in Fresno, California. I love to do just about anything, just as long i have the mood for it. Such as blogging, dh lame nk start tpi x start2 gak, sbb malas. aha~ Im just human like the rest of you, so expect me to make mistakes. =)

Skodeng'd o.O
