This blog is about my life. And speaking of life, anything can happen. So, this blog is actually more about anything that happen while im living my life =)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Moonshine. You and Me Part I

It was on 23rd May if not mistaken, the day it began. It was the Foundation of Law. I am not the same person as the person who entered the dorm room P1108 as I am the person walking out of it yesterday. I took a moment to stare at the empty room. And a weird feeling rose inside of me. I was sad. And with it a few drop of tears. These people who were the one that changed me. The person I am today. They made me realised that I'm still a freshie, a noob. Yes I admit that. I was not the same as before, a passive, quite, and insensitive to my surroundings. But I think I managed to overcome those things, even by a little. They taught me  about friendship and life. It was a memorable experience. And perhaps an unforgettable insight, that I will treasure until the end of time. Thanks guys. I'm glad I got you guys as my roomates and sub roomates. :) you are truly the ones in a million!

Rozmeys :D

comel. sgt comel.

barisan pemain Malaysia dan MU yang tak lepas fitness test.

pnjara pudu belah kiri timesquare. bkn belah kanan. ( Izzat, 2010)


sumpah kiut.

1st time clinton kuar bilik :D
Dinner Time!

night at broga.

morning broga!

selamat mndaki turun 'Tokwan'

cantik background! 

lai lai lai klapa panda maa! :P

awat muka suma letih ja. bru broga kot! :D

Rumah Raja..Eh silap, Istana Diraja :P

Artis dgn kereta sewa yang rosak.

smpat lgi posing. 

Maurid :)

Lompat annoying! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

Terbaekk :D

Line belakang dari kiri :
Khairi, Hidayat, Clinton, Joe, Haiqal, Mutmain, Anas, Farhan, Izzat, Jul, Amoi 1, Amoi 2.
Line depan dari kiri :
Veronica Soh :) Raja Hafiz and Kay Kay !

 I'm gonna miss you crazies :) but thats not all she wrote. :)

To be continued...

from :

Jul <3


About Me

My photo
Full name is Zulhilmi bin Mohamad Salleh. Born on 17th September 1992. In St. Agnes Hospital, in Fresno, California. I love to do just about anything, just as long i have the mood for it. Such as blogging, dh lame nk start tpi x start2 gak, sbb malas. aha~ Im just human like the rest of you, so expect me to make mistakes. =)

Skodeng'd o.O
